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Saturday, June 15th, 2024

Measure seeks to bolster school security

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U.S. Sens. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rick Scott (R-FL), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) recently introduced a bill designed to codify into law the Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety as a means of bolstering school security efforts.

The Luke and Alex School Safety Act of 2021 would help inform parents and educators on expert recommendations and best practices schools can implement to enhance security. The Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety would provide information on available federal resources and grant programs for safety measures.

The legislation is named in honor of Luke Hoyer and Alex Schachter, who were killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School attack in Parkland, Fla.

Authorities said the students’ parents and the group Stand with Parkland have encouraged Congress to take steps such as the clearinghouse to prepare schools and protect students from harm in the event of an attack.

“The Luke and Alex School Safety Act will ensure that the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse remains a resource our schools can access in the future,” Johnson said. “Information provided on will help teachers, school officials and parents to improve safety measures and create a safe and supportive learning environment for students while also demanding action if they believe their school needs to do more.”

Scott said he thinks about the 17 lives lost and the impacted families daily.

“Since that horrible day, I’ve worked closely with many of the victims’ family members as Governor and now as Senator to ensure no child, educator, or family has to experience that again,” he said. “This legislation builds on our work to keep schools safe and prevent another tragedy. I will never stop working to protect our students and educators and ensure they have a safe environment to learn and succeed.”