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Tuesday, March 18th, 2025

European Commission proposes EU certification system for airport security equipment

The European Commission (EC) proposed the establishment of a single European Union (EU) certification procedure for aviation security screening equipment on Wednesday to enhance the competitiveness of the EU security industry.

The EU certificate would allow security equipment approved in one member state to also be put on the market in others. The EC said that the creation of the system of mutual recognition for security equipment would help overcome market fragmentation, strengthen the competitiveness of the EU security industry, boost employment in the sector and contribute to improving aviation security across the continent.

“Technology can help us to prevent threats before they materialize, and strengthen the security of European citizens and the resilience of European society as a whole,” Dimitris Avramopoulos, commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship for the EC, said. “Today’s proposal, by simplifying and harmonizing the rules for the certification of airport screening equipment, will ensure that our high security screening standards are applied at airports everywhere in the EU. It will also contribute to boosting the competitiveness of the European security industry and improving its capacity to offer solutions enhancing the security of European citizens.”

The EU’s current internal market for screening equipment is fragmented due to national certification procedures, which slows down market efficiency and the free movement of goods. The EC said that this proposal would help increase the global competitiveness of the EU security industry.