An improved procurement process of land mobile radios (LMRs) could enhance interoperability and cut overall costs, according to a recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
LMRs are generally used by federal agencies in public safety incidents, firefighting and emergency management.
GAO surveyed 57 federal agencies for the report, determining that two-thirds of them use equipment from the same manufacturer to ensure the compatibility of new LMR equipment with existing system requirements. Two-thirds of the agencies surveyed reported having a positive level of LMR interoperability.
While the use of standards-based and multi-band LMR has helped enhance interoperability among agencies, the GAO report said that the use of proprietary features and other factors continue to hinder overall interoperability. Factors inhibiting interoperability of LMRs include the use of proprietary features, encryption in devices, and limited investments in LMR systems and devices. Approximately half of the agencies GAO surveyed reported the use of proprietary features within LMR devices hindered interoperability.
The GAO report recommended that the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) direct the Office of Federal Procurement Policy to examine the feasibility of including LMR technology in the category management initiative. The report also recommended that OMB include LMR technology within the appropriate spend category.
OMB agreed with the GAO report’s conclusions.