U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) was recently selected to serve as the vice chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in the 115th Congress.
“With a new administration starting to assemble its national security team, I look forward to fulfilling the Committee’s primary responsibility to provide vigorous and bipartisan oversight,” Warner said. “In a dangerous world, the responsibilities of the Intelligence Committee are more essential than ever.”
The select committee continually examines intelligence activities and programs of the federal government. While all members of the Senate have access to intelligence information, access to intelligence sources and methods are generally limited to the 15-member select committee.
Warner joined the committee as a member in 2012 and co-founded the bipartisan Senate Cybersecurity Caucus earlier in 2016.
Warner was also selected to serve a leadership role within the Democratic caucus as vice chair of the conference in the 115th Congress.