Rep. Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA) released this week a letter he wrote to President Trump calling for an operational bipartisan Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.
While the board itself does exist, it only consists of two members and no chairman. It also lacks the quorum necessary to do its work. Lynch said the board was needed to conduct robust oversight of counterterrorism policies and programs in the shared interest of national security and the protection of civil liberties.
Lynch’s letter also references the Implementing Recommendation of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, which stated that the board must consist of a full-time chairman and at least four additional members. The act also states that no more than three members of the board may represent the same political party.
“The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board plays a critical role in protecting Americans’ privacy and civil liberties and ensuring the counterterrorism programs we have in place play an essential role in promoting our national security,” Lynch said. “President Trump should act swiftly to nominate a full Board so it can continue its important work to increase transparency and accountability for key counterterrorism policies and implement safeguards against unwarranted governmental intrusion on privacy and civil liberties.”
In recent years, the board conducted a full review of the National Security Agency’s use of bulk collection of phone records in 2013.
The President has yet to formally respond to Lynch’s request.