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Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Johnson reports looks at cost, effectiveness of homeland protection measures in Israel

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released a report detailing the steps Israel has taken to secure its homeland, including the construction of a fence on the Egyptian border.

The report, entitled “Securing Israel: Lessons Learned From A Nation Under Constant Threat Of Attack,” is based on findings from Johnson’s trip to Israel in December to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, soldiers, and other leaders. They discussed Israel’s approach to border security, aviation security, and cybersecurity.

“During this trip I had the opportunity to examine the walls and fencing along the West Bank and Sinai.  The results speak for themselves,” Johnson said. “After the completion of the fencing at the Sinai, illegal crossers dropped from more than 16,000 in 2011 to less than 20 in 2016.  This is an important example for the United States, as we begin further construction of fencing along our southwest border. I am pleased that the Trump Administration is serious about securing our borders and enhancing our national security.”

Johnson believes the report contains information that can benefit the United States as the Trump Administration takes steps forward in securing its borders.

In the report, Johnson said that Israel constructed a 143-mile fence along its border with Egypt in approximately two years. The cost was $415 million, or $2.0 million per mile. In contrast, the United States spent $2.3 billion to construct 654 miles of pedestrian and vehicle barrier fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. The cost was about $3.5 million spent per mile—21 percent higher than the wall in Israel.

Johnson also found that Israel spends $8.3 million annually ($58,000 per mile) to maintain its fence bordering Egypt.  The United States spends $50 to $55 million annually ($77,000 per mile) for its aforementioned fencing—33 percent more than Israel.

Israel also has one person stationed for every 1.2 miles of fencing while the United States stations 1 person every 2.2 miles of its border with Mexico. Johnson’s report found that the number of illegal crossers on the Israel-Egypt border dropped from 16,000 in 2011 to less than 20 in 2016 after the construction of the fence.