U.S. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) recently secured $5 million from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to assist Montana-based law enforcement agencies in their efforts to strengthen security along the state’s 540-mile international border with Canada.
“Terrorists and criminals will find and exploit any weakness we have,” Tester said. “That’s why we can’t just focus our efforts on securing the southern border, we must also ensure the safety and security of our northern border as well. Our national security depends on it.”
A total of $3,752,000 of the funds will come from the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), an initiative that helps states increase training, purchase equipment, and boost preparedness among law enforcement agencies for national security-related operations.
According to a release from Tester, SHSP funds will enable the Montana Department of Emergency Services to acquire new emergency power sources and generators, outfit local police departments with better vehicles and safety equipment and upgrade communications and interoperability equipment across the state.
Operation Stonegarden will also provide a total of $1,058,250 to enhance cooperative efforts for state, local, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies in defending the nation’s borders.
“As a small agency on the highline we are very grateful for the Stonegarden grant. We use it primarily to offset equipment costs and pay overtime,” Glacier County, Montana Sheriff Tom Seifert said. “One of the great results of the Stonegarden grant has been the relationship we have built with Border Patrol. It has created a working relationship that has helped us work with them to keep our communities safe.”