In the wake of the recent shooting in Las Vegas, which left 59 dead and hundreds more injured, a group of 18 Democratic U.S. senators introduced a bill that effectively bans the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer or possession of gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
The Keep Americans Safe Act would provide limited exceptions for devices possessed before enactment, for current and former law enforcement personnel, for specific Atomic Energy personnel, and for tubular devices that can accept .22 rimfire ammunition.
The legislation also modifies the high-capacity definition to prevent coupled or joined magazines, authorizes a buyback program for high-capacity magazines through Byrne JAG grants, requires devices manufactured after enactment to have conspicuous serial numbers and date of manufacture, and harmonizes forfeiture provisions for magazines with current law.
“There’s no good reason that high-capacity magazines, in some instances capable of storing as many as 100 rounds, should be available to the public,” U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said. “Our country is a model for others in so many ways, but not when it comes to our broken gun laws. We must do the things that are necessary to make us safer and this bill is an obvious step in the right direction.”