The chair and executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey commended four Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) officers Monday for their actions following an explosion in a passageway near the Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT).
“Thanks to the quick response of these brave Port Authority Police officers, the suspect was apprehended, there were no serious injuries and the PABT was secured without further incident,” Port Authority Chair Kevin O’Toole said. “Our officers responded immediately and put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public.”
They officers subdued a suspect linked to the explosion and placed him under arrest. The case is now under the jurisdiction of federal authorities.
Port Authority Police and PABT staff then temporarily closed the PABT to facilitate an evacuation and allow the area to be swept for potential explosive devices.
“Our officers’ actions were commendable and we are thankful there were no serious injuries to any travelers,” Port Authority Executive Director Rick Cotton said.