U.S. Reps. Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Liz Cheney (R-WY) led a group of 20 other Republicans in introducing the Iran Freedom Policy and Sanctions Act (H.R. 4821).
H.R. 4821 aims to increase pressure on Iran for human rights abuses, support for terrorism and ballistic missile program. It would also modify the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by placing severe restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program and taking other measures designed to permanently prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capability.
“Congress has four months to fix the flaws of the JCPOA to permanently block Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability,” Roskam said. “We’ve introduced the Iran Freedom Policy and Sanctions Act to achieve this goal and to hold Iran accountable for its rampant abuse of protestors, continuous support for terrorism and ongoing ballistic missile program advancements.”
The legislation would address the nuclear deal’s sunset provisions, the inspections regime, and provisions that allow advanced nuclear technology and ballistic missile research and development. All sanctions waived pursuant to the JCPOA would be re-imposed if Iran does not abide by the bill’s restrictions.
“I am proud to join Rep. Peter Roskam in introducing the Iran Freedom Policy and Sanctions Act, which establishes the minimum requirements that must be in any verifiable agreement in order to obtain future sanctions relief,” Cheney said. “Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons, and we must no longer gamble our Nation’s security on a dangerous agreement that provides only a false sense of security.”