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Thursday, March 6th, 2025

OPCW Fact-Finding Mission investigating allegations of chemical weapons use in Syria

© Shutterstock

An Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) fact-finding mission (FFM) is currently investigating recent allegations about the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic.

The FFM’s mandate is “to establish facts surrounding allegations of the use of toxic chemicals … for hostile purposes in the Syrian Arab Republic.”

OPCW has said that the FFM will investigate all credible allegations and provide regular reports for consideration by States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The FFM is working closely with States Parties including the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic.

The FFM report will take into account corroboration between interviewee testimonies, open-source research, medical reports and other relevant documentation as well as the characteristics of any samples the FFM obtains.

“Any use of chemical weapons is a violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the hard won international norm prohibiting these weapons,” OPCW Director-General,Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü said. “Those responsible for their use must be held accountable. These abhorrent weapons have no place in the world today.”