Reps. Filemon Vela (D-TX) and Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) recently introduced a bill designed to enhance U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) support, staffing, and resources.
The lawmakers said the Border and Ports Security Act would increase the CBP’s capacity to screen passengers and facilitate trade at international airports, seaports and land ports of entry by authorizing additional CBP Officers and Agriculture Specialists.
“CBPOs, stationed at our ports of entry, screen more than 1 million foreign nationals and U.S. citizens and approximately $6.3 billion worth in imported goods at ports of entry annually,” Vela, ranking member of the Border and Maritime Subcommittee, said.
“The economy of the United States as a whole relies on the critical work that CBPOs perform every day and it is imperative that our front-line personnel have the support, staffing, and resources they need for a safe and effective work environment.”
Officials said the bill has the full support of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).
“Critical staffing shortages at our air, sea, and land ports of entry have forced CBP officers to work 16-hour shifts and take temporary duty assignments,” Thompson said. “This legislation will ensure that CBP has the resources to address its long-standing and well-documented staffing gaps while taking into account the growing volume of trade and travel.”