Florida Border Patrol agents recently arrested a gang member with an extensive criminal history during an immigration inspection at a Fort Lauderdale bus station.
Officials said agents identified a suspicious passenger while conducting inspections and learned the man was from Honduras and not in possession of valid immigration documents. It was also determined the individual was an 18th street gang member and in the country illegally.
“U.S. Border Patrol in Florida maintains a high level of vigilance and targets dangerous gang members in the country illegally as part of efforts to keep Americans safe,” Peter Daniel, U.S. Border Patrol Miami Sector acting division chief, said. “The Border Patrol’s primary goal is to stop all threats that attempt to gain entry into the United States where they may target and harm American citizens and we’ll continue to combat transnational gangs and criminal organizations.”
Officials said agents routinely conduct law enforcement activities at transportation hubs as part of a layered approach to prevent those in the country illegally from traveling further into the United States.
The operations are conducted at strategic locations serving as conduits for human and narcotic smuggling and disrupt criminal organizations from further exploiting this mode of transportation.
Enforcement operations at transportation hubs serve as a vital component of the U.S. Border Patrol’s national security efforts, per agency personnel.