An Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) reported Wednesday that it determined chlorine was likely used as a chemical weapon in Saraqib, Idlib Governorate, Syrian Arab Republic, on Feb. 4.
The FFM concluded that chlorine was released from cylinders by mechanical impact in the Al Talil neighborhood of Saraqib.
The FFM based its conclusions on the discovery of two cylinders determined to previously have contained chlorine, environmental samples, the number of patients at medical facilities following the incident who displayed symptoms consistent with chlorine exposure and witness testimony, among other things.
“I strongly condemn the continued use of toxic chemicals as weapons by anyone, for any reason, and in any circumstances,” OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü said. “Such acts contradict the unequivocal prohibition against chemical weapons enshrined in the Chemical Weapons Convention.”
OPCW shared the report with States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention and the United Nations (UN) Security Council through the UN Secretary-General.
The FFM was set up in 2014 to determine whether chemical weapons or toxic chemicals as weapons are used in Syria. It does not identify who is responsible for alleged attacks. The FFM has previously confirmed the use of chlorine, sulfur mustard and sarin as weapons with a “high degree of confidence.”