AT&T has been actively deploying Band 14 spectrum as part of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) build, bringing a much-needed technology upgrade to the public safety network.
Band 14 is nationwide, high-quality spectrum set aside by the federal government for FirstNet that will give first responders additional coverage and capacity. AT&T is building the network in a public-private partnership with the FirstNet Authority.
“Since getting the green light to deploy Band 14 in March of this year, we’ve been moving quickly in order to bring first responders the additional coverage and capacity that only their network can provide,” Chris Sambar, senior vice president of AT&T-FirstNet said. “What’s more, the FirstNet build is based off direct feedback from the states and public safety community. So, each current or new site to get Band 14 helps to meet public safety’s specific network needs.”
Band 14 has been added to more than 2,500 sites across the country and deployments are underway in 50 states and Puerto Rico. In 40 states, Band 14 is on-air for testing.
More than 10,000 sites are currently underway, and more than 1,000 new sites are planned, which will help close rural coverage gaps.
Once deployment is completed, Band 14 will cover at least 95 percent or more of the U.S. population, according to FirstNet Authority.