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Tuesday, March 18th, 2025

Rep. McSally presses committee to fund wing replacement of A-10 Warthog fleet

© Shutterstock

As the U.S. Air Force considers removing the A-10 Warthog from active use, U.S. Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ) has written a letter to the Defense Appropriations Conference Committee urging for the committee to fully fund the $144 million to re-wing them instead.

While some say the A-10 aircraft is past its time, McSally argues that shutting them down would cause a critical capability gap in operational forces. Instead, she believes the fleet could remain operational if properly fitted.

“The A-10 Warthog is instrumental in U.S. contingency operations around the globe and continues to be utilized to the fullest extent in multiple combat theaters,” McSally said. “Due to this high level of demand, we are literally ‘flying the wings off’ these aircraft. Without accelerated funding for wing replacements, the Air Force will be forced to begin grounding some of these aircraft until new wings can be provided.”

McSally hopes to see the A-10 re-wing replacement program accelerated in 2019. A previous amendment to the House-passed Defense Appropriations Bill had increased funding to the program by $65 million. While McSally has successfully secured more than $128 million for the task, she would like to see the full authorized amount of $144 million to lead the program effectively.