A ribbon cutting ceremony recently was held for the KC-135 Flight Deck Simulator at Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base near Lockbourne, Ohio.
In 2016, the Ohio U.S. Congressional members sent a letter to Gen. Carlton Everhart III, Air Mobility Command, on behalf of the Ohio Air National Guard urging the relocation of the flight simulator to Rickenbacker. The request was approved last year.
“I was honored to participate in today’s ribbon cutting ceremony for the KC-135 flight deck simulator,” U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH). “Ohio is home to some of the best military installations in the world, and one is right here in Columbus. The work being done at the 121st Air Refueling Wing is critical to our efforts to protect the homeland. I’ll continue fighting to properly fund and support programs like this that benefit Ohio’s economy and help keep Americans safe.”
The simulator will increase training opportunities on the base, will attract aircrews from around the country who will come to the base for simulator training and will increase cost-effectiveness. Its relocation creates 10 permanent jobs and will boost the local economy, Portman’s office said.
The increased training opportunities will also place Rickenbacker in a better position to receive equipment and future missions.