Raytheon is pressing forward on a GPS Next-Generation Operational Control System (GPS OCX) in time for the launch of GPS III next month, and initial test data indicates huge successes against cybersecurity threats and data corruption.
In all tests so far, the system has blocked the broadcast of corrupt navigation and timing data, moving forward on a U.S. Air Force-led effort to bring the nation’s GPS system into the 21st Century. Testing has been underway since April this year, with teams of contractors hired to breach the system’s boundaries. Those contractors failed to do so.
“We’ve built a layered defense and implemented all information assurance requirements for the program into this system,” Dave Wajsgras, president of Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services, said. “We’re cognizant that the cyber threat will always change, so we’ve built GPS OCX to evolve and to make sure it’s always operating at this level of protection.”
The system has already been delivered to the Air Force.