Sens. Todd Young (R-IN) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) introduced Wednesday a measure designed to repeal a pair of Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iraq and end Gulf and Iraq war authorizations.
Specifically, the legislation will repeal the 1991 and 2002 AUMFs.
“There is no obligation more sobering than considering an authorization for the use of military force and it is critical that Congress exercise robust oversight once authorities have been granted,” Young said. “As a young high school student, I enlisted in the Navy mere weeks before the Gulf War began. Now, 28 years later, those war authorities are still active and still in law. This illustrates the level of Congressional failure to perform its Constitutionally mandated oversight role.”
The legislators said the bill is part of an effort to prevent future misuse of the expired Gulf and Iraq War authorizations while strengthening Congressional oversight over war powers.
“It’s past time to repeal both AUMFs and formally mark the end of the Iraq War that resulted in a devastating loss of life and wounded tens of thousands of our troops,” Kaine said. “It makes no sense that two AUMFs remain in place against a country that is now a close ally. They serve no operational purpose, run the risk of future abuse by the President and help keep our nation at permanent war.”