The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a series of recommendations to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to address the agency’s nuclear terrorism deterrence limitations.
GAO officials said the recommendations stem from an examination of the extent to which DHS tracks cities’ use of program funds and assesses their performance as well as what assurance DHS has cities can sustain capabilities gained through the Securing the Cities (STC) program and the challenges, if any, cities face in maintaining such capabilities. They also stem from potential changes to the STC program and how DHS plans to implement them, the basis for these changes and the extent to which DHS has communicated with cities about the impact of making changes.
Legislation requires DHS to develop an implementation plan for the STC program. The law provides DHS an opportunity to identify the basis for potential changes, and assessing such changes would provide more reasonable assurance that they would strengthen the program.
GAO recommends DHS regularly collect detailed information from cities on program expenditures; analyze risks related to sustainment, work with cities to address these risks, and enforce sustainment-planning requirements for cities in the program; and clearly communicate to cities how the existing program will operate until a new program is in effect.