Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) personnel recently joined a series of partners in addressing the increasing risks of a catastrophic biological event.
Citing such factors as rapid technological advances, an increasingly interconnected world with health security challenges, ongoing global insecurity and disorder and a breakdown in global security and scientific norms, the NTI helped spearhead dialogue focused on preparing for high consequence and globally catastrophic biological events of the future.
The sessions yielded observations and recommendations for a variety of topics. Among those discussed, participants found that global financing for pandemic preparedness and response is severely lacking; health and security sector leaders should advocate for the United Nations Secretary General to create a permanent position capable of coordinating preparedness and response activities; and efforts should ensure emergency use and scale-up of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions are possible during high-consequence biological events. Additionally, health and security sectors should be urged to work together to understand the evolving risk landscape relating to emerging infectious diseases, new biotechnological progress, and potential bioterrorism threats.
The NTI is advocating security and health leaders demonstrate commitment via methods highlighting the lack of funding and resources dedicated to investigation and attribution of an alleged use of biological weapons while also initiating panel discussions and/or side events at the Global Health Security Agenda ministerial meetings focused on raising awareness about the risks posed by advances in biotechnology.