Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) recently secured strong funding in the 2020 Energy and Water Appropriations bill to extend and refurbish nuclear warheads bolstering the nation’s defense.
“Given the security challenges around the globe, it’s vital we invest in our nuclear warheads and nuclear stockpile,” Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Committee, said. “Just as we need to modernize our nuclear triad of submarines, aircraft, and bombers, we also must extend the life of our warheads. This bill makes important investments in the nuclear complex to sustain our deterrent. These investments are vitally important for our national security and will ensure that the men and women at Minot Air Force Base have the tools necessary for their missions.”
The bill would provide $899 million for continuing work on extending the life of the W80 warhead, which currently flies on the Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM) that is based at North Dakota’s Minot Air Force Base while the W80-4 will be used on the Long Range Standoff (LRSO) cruise missile, which will replace the ALCM around 2030.
The measure also provides an allotment of $112 million for the W87-1, which is scheduled to be fielded by 2030 on the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent. In replacing the legacy W78, the W87-1 will maintain continuity for the land-leg of the domestic nuclear deterrent.