The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has released findings regarding Iran’s military capability, providing details on that nation’s defense and military goals, strategy, plans, and intentions.
“As Tehran expands its capabilities and role as both an unconventional and conventional threat in the Middle East, it is more important than ever that we understand Iran’s military power and the threat it poses to our interests, our allies, and our own security,” Lt. Gen. Robert P. Ashley, Jr., Defense Intelligence Agency director, said. “Iran sees itself as closer than ever to achieving its goals. Tehran has played the cards dealt it by the fall of Saddam, the uprising in Syria, the rise and retreat of ISIS, and the conflict in Yemen.”
According to the DIA report, the Islamic Republic of Iran has remained opposed to America and its presence in the Middle East, noting Iran has built its military power primarily to serve two important goals – ensuring the survival of the regime and securing a dominant position in the region.
DIA has a long history of producing comprehensive and authoritative defense intelligence overviews. In 1981, DIA published the first unclassified Soviet Military Power report, which was translated into eight languages and distributed around the world.
Two years ago, DIA decided to produce and publish unclassified defense intelligence overviews of the major foreign military challenges the nation faces.