Robert Tipton (Tip) Osterthaler has been appointed by Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross to serve as Chair of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) Board.
“Tip Osterthaler has been an instrumental FirstNet Board member who will bring exceptional leadership to the organization during the next phase of FirstNet implementation,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. “FirstNet’s mission has proved even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am confident Tip will excel in his new role as he ensures first responders have the connectivity they need to support the American people.”
Osterthaler, a retired Air Force Brigadier General and private sector CEO appointed to the Board in 2018, succeeds Edward D. Horowitz, who is completing his two-year term as Chair. Horowitz will remain on the Board until his term expires in August 2021.
“I am truly honored to be appointed by Secretary Ross to serve as Chair of the FirstNet Authority Board,” Osterthaler said. “Now more than ever, FirstNet is critical to the safety and security of our nation as it empowers public safety to carry out their life-saving mission. As Chair, I will ensure FirstNet Authority continues to deliver what public safety needs to stay safe and protect our communities.”
Osterthaler thanked Horowitz for his service and leadership as board chairman during what Osterthaler deemed to be a critical time in the evolution of the organization and the network.
“My time as Chair of the FirstNet Authority Board has been an honor and privilege,” Horowitz said. “I am proud of our accomplishments over the last two years and our plans going forward to fully realize the promise of FirstNet. Tip is an ideal fit to lead this next phase of FirstNet given his service on the Board as the Finance Chair.”