Bayer officials said a newly introduced spray solution combats resistant mosquitoes and controls worldwide vector-borne diseases.
Fludora Co-Max addresses Aedes mosquito-borne arboviruses such as dengue, Zika, and chikungunya by combining two active ingredients with unrelated modes of action – adding the launch marks a major milestone in industry efforts to actively and sustainably tackle the problem of resistant mosquitoes.
“We have seen a growing awareness and concern around arboviruses such as dengue in the African continent in recent years and resistance in mosquitoes in the region is well documented,” Frederic Baur, Global Market Manager for Vector Control at Bayer, said. “We have a strong team in Africa to steward and support the product and to work together with external stakeholders to further reinforce insecticide resistance management in the region.”
In the wake of increasing mosquito resistance to current vector control solutions, the need for innovation and greater efficacy in space spray solutions to control diseases like dengue is vital. And Aedes mosquito-borne diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent in Africa due to rapid urban population growth.
“Through the global launch of Fludora Co-Max, we expect to make a significant contribution to the prevention and ultimately the elimination of mosquito-borne diseases,” Jacqueline Applegate, president of the Environmental Science business, said. “It is one example of Bayer’s continued commitment to research, develop and bring to market vector control interventions to improve public health and, consequently, people’s lives all over the world.”