Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala., has been selected as the preferred location for the U.S. Space Command Headquarters by the Secretary of the Air Force, on behalf of the Office of Secretary of Defense.
The Department of the Air Force conducted virtual and on-site visits to assess which of six candidate locations would be best suited to host the U.S. Space Command Headquarters. The assessment looked at factors related to mission, infrastructure capacity, community support, and costs.
The Air Force said Huntsville proved to be the best site citing its large, qualified workforce, quality schools, superior infrastructure capacity, and low initial and recurring costs. Further, Redstone Arsenal offered its facility for free for the headquarters while the permanent facility is being built.
Albuquerque, N.M.; Bellevue, Neb.; Cape Canaveral, Fla.; Colorado Springs, Colo.; and San Antonio, Texas, will remain alternative locations for the U.S. Space Command Headquarters.
The preferred and reasonable alternative locations were picked from 24 different sites evaluated as potential locations for the headquarters. The Department of the Air Force anticipates making a final decision for the U.S. Space Command Headquarters’ location in spring 2023 following an environmental impact analysis. Colorado Springs remains the provisional headquarters until the permanent location is ready.