The U.S. Space Force recently finalized the Space Systems Command (SSC) organizational structure.
Command is slated to officially stand in summer 2021 once required conditions are met to re-designate the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) at Los Angeles Air Force Base, California, as SSC headquarters.
“Space Systems Command’s organizational structure was purpose-built to anticipate and be responsive to the challenges presented by a contested space domain,” Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, USSF chief of space operations, said. “We took the SMC 2.0 transformation of 2019 to the next level, aligning missions and organizations and pushing authorities down from the three-star level to lower echelons in order to reduce cost and go fast. This will allow us to move at speed in delivering the resilient space capabilities necessary to stay ahead of a growing threat.”
SMC would be responsible for developing, acquiring, equipping, fielding, and sustaining resilient space capabilities to bolster joint lethality, including launch, developmental testing, on-orbit checkout, and sustainment.
“SMC led the nation in developing and delivering unparalleled, enduring space capabilities to the warfighter and our nation’s allies,” Lt. Gen. John F. Thompson, SMC commander, said. “With the re-designation of SMC as SSC, we will further build upon the success seen with SMC 2.0 while synchronizing the science and technology research, capability development, system production, launch operations, and system sustainment efforts to more effectively deliver cutting-edge space systems needed to ensure the future of our national security and prosperity.”