Lawmakers are touting the benefits of the U.S. House of Representatives recently advancing the Oversight of Munitions Exports amendment in conjunction with the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
U.S. Reps. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) and Katie Porter (D-CA) said the measure they introduced restores congressional notification requirements for exporting certain firearms on the Munitions List abroad as a means of preventing exporting weapons of war to terrorists. The Trump Administration moved the licensing of munitions exports from the State Department to the Department of Commerce, according to information from Torres’ office. As part of that change, they removed previously existing Congressional notification requirements and a congressional disapproval process.
“This amendment helps protect our national security and ensure that deadly weapons do not fall into the wrong hands,” Torres said. “This amendment restores Congress’ proper role in this process. I thank Congresswoman Porter for her partnership and I will continue to work to ensure that our government is being careful in how and to whom they issue munitions export licenses.”
Porter said it is essential to restore Congress’ ability to hold the administration – regardless of which party controls the White House – accountable for arms exports.
“This common-sense amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act restores Congress’ longstanding and appropriate oversight authority over arms exports,” Kris Brown, Brady Campaign president, said. “This amendment will reestablish Congress’ ability to act as a responsible check on future administrations, to prevent the export of gun violence abroad, and to ensure that we defend our interests overseas while promoting responsible commerce. Brady thanks Rep. Torres for championing this important amendment.”