In an effort to better crackdown on illegal drugs at the source, the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) announced $44.5 million in funding this week for state-level law enforcement agencies.
This money will specifically go toward these agencies’ efforts to combat the illegal manufacturing and distribution of methamphetamine, heroin, and prescription opioids. The bulk of these funds — more than $31.1 million — will be provided as grants to 13 state law enforcement agencies with multijurisdictional and interdisciplinary teams at their disposal. Provided through the Anti-Heroin Task Force Program, these grants will help agencies in the location or statewide investigation of the distribution of heroin, fentanyl or carfentanil, or unlawful prescription opioids.
“The Department of Justice is very pleased to provide these critical public safety resources and continue supporting law enforcement efforts to battle against the national crisis posed by the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine, heroin, and prescription opioids,” said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. “This funding will help to greatly reduce the availability of lethal drugs and maintain health and safety in our communities.”
Separately, more than $13.3 million will be distributed to nine state law enforcement agencies through the COPS Anti-Methamphetamine Program (CAMP) for successful seizures of precursor chemicals, finished methamphetamine, labs, and lab dumps. As awardees will have already proven their capabilities, the funding will help them locate and investigate activities related to the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine.
AHTF award recipients include:
- The Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
- Kentucky State Police
- Maryland State Police
- Massachusetts Attorney General
- Minnesota Department of Public Safety
- New Hampshire Department of Justice
- New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety
- North Carolina Department of Public Safety
- Pennsylvania State Police
- State Law Enforcement Division of South Carolina
- Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
- Vermont Department of Public Safety
- Virginia Department of State Police
CAMP award recipients include:
- Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- Iowa Department of Public Safety
- Massachusetts State Police
- New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety
- New York State Police
- Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control
- Pennsylvania Attorney General
- Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
- Virginia State Police