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Monday, March 10th, 2025

Oral antiviral molnupiravir reduces severe COVID-19 risks 30 percent in MOVe-OUT study

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Results of a study on molnupiravir, an investigational oral antiviral developed by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics for use against COVID-19, showed this week that the drug cuts the risk of hospitalization or death by approximately 3 percent.

The trial of 1,433 participants focused on those with mild to moderate cases but at risk of advancing to hospitalization or death. For its placebo group of 699, risk held at around 9.7 percent, while the molnupiravir group of 709 participants reduced that to 6.8. The results indicate an absolute risk reduction of just 3 percent but a relative risk reduction of 30 percent. Even so, one participant died in the molnupiravir group, compared to nine in the placebo group.

The report followed a planned interim analysis released earlier, which deemed the test a success and found that molnupiravir showed a relative risk reduction of 48 percent, relatively, and an absolute risk reduction of 6.8 percent. Since then, the study has been discontinued, and Merck and Ridgeback both deemed the drug effective and favorable in its benefit to risk delivery.

All analyses involved have been shared with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the results were presented to the Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee earlier this week. Merck seeks Emergency Use Authorization for the drug for use on adults at risk of progressing to hospitalization or death as a result of COVID-19.