The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is slated to evaluate a Biennial Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise, focusing on Pennsylvania and Maryland responses.
The assessment specifically involved communities around the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. The effort calls for FEMA to forward its evaluation to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) within 90 days for use in licensing decisions. The final report will be publicly available approximately 120 days after the exercise.
“These drills are held every other year to evaluate government’s ability to protect public health and safety,” Regional Administrator for FEMA Region 3 MaryAnn Tierney said. “We will assess state and local government emergency response capabilities within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of Maryland.”
FEMA created the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program to ensure the health and safety of citizens living around commercial nuclear power plants would be protected should a nuclear power plant accident occur and inform and educate the public about radiological emergency preparedness.
The REP Program is responsible for addressing solely offsite activities, such as those involving state and local government emergency planning and preparedness activities occurring beyond the nuclear power plant boundaries.
According to FEMA, onsite activities continue to be the responsibility of the NRC.