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Tuesday, March 11th, 2025

DHS to launch series of challenges in search of new remote identity validation technologies to fight fraud

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The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a series of technology challenges for 2023 to spur commercial identity validation technologies to counter identity fraud when users apply for various services.

Potentially, this could help reduce crime during government services, the opening of bank accounts, or the verification of things like social media accounts. The Remote Identity Validation Technology Demonstration (RIVTD) will be a collaborative effort between the S&T, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Homeland Security Investigations Forensic Laboratory, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Together, they will evaluate the ability of submitted systems to authenticate ID documents, verification using images taken through smartphones and similar devices, as well as selfie photos.

“In recent years, there has been significant growth in user demand to create new accounts or apply for benefits without going to a government office or local business,” Arun Vemury, lead of S&T’s Biometric and Identity Technology Center, said. “As a result, there are new tools on the market that attempt to authenticate documents and verify the identity of the applicants. While these technologies provide transformative improvement in user convenience, there are a wide range of questions about the performance and fairness of the technologies as well as concerns that bad actors could exploit weaknesses in the new process to commit fraud at scale.”

The industry will be able to use this opportunity to advance more secure, accurate, and usable technologies, measure performance objectively against realistic and sophisticated attacks, answer questions about overall performance and risks of using them in commercial or government applications, as well as guide efforts at standardization and certification of technologies effective against attacks.

Applications will open in January 2023.