U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) joined U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and seven colleagues to introduce a resolution supporting the Biden administration’s efforts to establish a global anti-satellite missile tests moratorium.
“Destructive anti-satellite missile tests create large amounts of space debris that threaten astronauts and satellites that provide vital services,” Feinstein said. “Our resolution supports the Biden administration’s efforts at the United Nations to ban these dangerous anti-satellite missile tests worldwide and encourages more nations to adopt similar moratoriums.”
In the resolution, the lawmakers maintain the proliferation of satellites and debris orbiting the Earth results in millions of potential collision warnings issued by the United States Space Command annually, while satellites and debris are expected to continue increasing exponentially.
“As we continue to expand our commercial, scientific, and defense efforts in space, we need to ensure we’re being responsible stewards of the ‘final frontier,’” Lieu, co-chair of the California Aerospace Caucus, said. “I am honored that in my district, I have the Space Systems Command, where the U.S. Military manages its awesome space programs. The United States has a responsibility as a leader in space technology to curb anti-satellite (ASAT) missile tests because they can create massive debris fields in space that threaten the safety of astronauts and other satellites.”
The amount of satellite debris has increased by almost 50 percent since January 2021 and is expected to continue rising amid governments launching more satellites and executing anti-satellite missile tests.