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Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Reintroduced legislation addresses multiple long gun sales

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U.S. Reps. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) and Brad Schneider (D-IL) have joined 13 colleagues to reintroduce a bill that addresses sales of two or more long guns.

The Multiple Firearm Sales Reporting Modernization Act requires all federal firearms licensees to report the sale of two or more long guns such as AR-15s and AK-47s to an individual within a five-day period.

“As a former 9-1-1 dispatcher, I’ve heard the cries on the other side of the line after a horrific act of gun violence, and those calls will always stay with me,” Torres said. “June is Gun Violence Awareness Month, and as Vice Chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, I am reintroducing this critical legislation with Rep. Schneider to curb the tragic violence plaguing our country.”

The lawmakers noted 19,000 children and teens are shot and killed or wounded annually and approximately three million are exposed to gun violence.

“After countless horrific shootings including in Highland Park, Americans are demanding Congress to do something to address our senseless epidemic of mass shootings,” Schneider said. “Now I’m asking my colleagues to help with this: let’s require a report on the sale of two or more long guns. It’s a common sense step toward keeping our children safe in their schools, our congregations safe at worship, and our families safe at the grocery.”

Brady Campaign President Kris Brown said individuals purchasing multiple firearms in a condensed period often do so for nefarious purposes.

“These bulk purchases are a strong indicator that these guns may be trafficked, used in crimes, or in violent acts,” Brown said. “Expanding the requirement for Federal Firearms Licensees to report on all sales of multiple firearms – beyond just handguns – will help to identify potential trafficking and criminal misuse and can prevent tragedies before they occur.”