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Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

Johnson opens Homeland Security budget hearing

As part of the yearly budget process for the Department of Homeland Security, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Ron Johnson (R-WI) opened the budget submission for fiscal year 2017 on Tuesday.

“I would like to thank Secretary Jeh Johnson for appearing before the committee to discuss the president’s fiscal year 2017 budget request for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),” Chairman Johnson said. “Consideration of the department’s budget is an important task for this committee. The economic and national security pressures facing the United States are extraordinary.

“Today, the national debt stands at $19 trillion — over 100 percent of our gross domestic product. To address these multiple threats, the department is requesting a total budget authority of $66.8 billion for FY2017, an increase of $506.3 million over its FY2016 authority. Of this request, $47.3 billion would come through appropriations, $1.9 billion less than what was appropriated in FY2016.

“Two key areas, cyber- and border security, have high priority in the budget request. The department has requested $745.9 million to continue its implementation of its flagship cyber security programs: Einstein and Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM). In an example of what Congress can do when we set aside our differences and find areas of common agreement, last December, Ranking Member Carper and I passed important legislation to authorize and improve these programs as part of the Federal Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2015. On border and immigration, the department has provided slightly increased funding for Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “

In addition to the increases proposed by Johnson, he also requested more information on the proposed changes to the TSA, FEMA and the Coast Guard’s budgets, which represent approximately $1.6 billion in reductions and shifts from within the department.