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Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

TSA participates in Operation RAILSAFE for enhanced situational awareness

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) participated in Operation RAILSAFE, a nationwide initiative that provides enhanced visible law enforcement and security presence at train stations and trains on selected high volume travel days, on May 26.

Operation RAILSAFE training seeks to provide participating agencies, first responders and other AMTRAK stakeholders with situational awareness and a better understanding of how to protect passengers, employees and critical infrastructure in the event of an act of terrorism. The training also seeks to decrease Amtrak’s risk from and vulnerability to a potential attack by enhancing situational awareness of critical assets.

TSA conducted 20 visible intermodal prevention and response (VIPR) operations in support of RAILSAFE. The operation was conducted incoordination with Amtrak and other mass transit rail stakeholders. During the operation, agents deployed counterterrorism tactics including explosives detection sweeps, random bag inspections and general patrol. On average, more than 40 states and more than 200 agencies participate in RAILSAFE.

“You will see on days like today increased presence, increased random screening involving personnel, involving canines, and we do this several times a year,” Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said.

The program was created in coordination with the Amtrak Police Department, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police and the New York City Police Department.