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Friday, September 20th, 2024


Utah man receives drug trafficking life sentence

The Justice Department said U.S. District Judge Dale A. Kimball sentenced a Utah man to life in prison for heading an organization that distributed more than 500,000 counterfeit pills nationwide. Authorities said the sentence was handed down to Aaron Michael Shamo, 30, indicating he was the CEO... Read More »

Report assesses Huawei challenges, 5G network building

A new Center for American Progress report details methods the United States can use to address expanding Huawei market and national security challenges and its 5G network building role. The analysis maintains America has ignored the policies Beijing uses to make the tech company Huawei the... Read More »

FDA approves Immazeb as first treatment for Ebola virus

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a major medical breakthrough this week, approving Regeneron Pharmaceuticals to produce Inmazeb, the first treatment for Ebola virus infections to reach that point. Inmazeb is a mix of three monoclonal antibodies, which work by targeting the... Read More »

Sen. Collins addresses funding of LymeX initiative

Sen. Susan Collins (D-ME) recently addressed the new $25 million LymeX initiative, which was announced this week in partnership between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Stephen and Alexandra Cohen Foundation. LymeX is the largest public-private partnership to combat Lyme... Read More »

DARPA details RACER initiative

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) personnel are espousing the benefits of the department’s DARPA’s Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (RACER) program. Authorities said RACER seeks to ensure algorithms are not the limiting part of the system and... Read More »

Space Force satellite passes initial design review

U.S. Space Force personnel said the agency’s Boeing-developed Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS)-11+ communications satellite successfully completed its first major engineering design review. “Completing this engineering design review is a key milestone and brings us one step closer to delivering... Read More »

DHS releases Homeland Threat Assessment report

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its Homeland Threat Assessment (HTA) – a report that synthesizes threat information across DHS, including intelligence and operational components. “This HTA is as close as the American people will get to seeing and understanding the... Read More »