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Tuesday, September 17th, 2024


Grant award targets malaria drug research

Wellcome Trust has earmarked a $3.6 million grant award as a means of aiding the malaria drug research process. Officials said the funding allotment would benefit the work of researchers from Australia's Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and Merck & Co., Inc., which is known as MSD in Australia,... Read More »

NATO team wins Locked Shields live-fire cyber exercise

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) announced Monday that the NATO “Blue team,” made up of 30 cyber defenders, won Locked Shields 2018, the world’s largest live-fire cyber exercise. The exercise required participants to counter high-intensity attacks on a fictitious country’s... Read More »

Researchers pinpoint potential spread of yellow fever

Scientists have determined the yellow fever virus has the potential to spread into cities around the world where it previously hasn't been seen. The study findings of St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization detailed the mapping of yellow fever... Read More »

GAO analyzes DOD weapon purchasing reforms

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released details of its annual analysis of the Department of Defense’s (DOD) revised weapon system portfolio and purchasing reform policies. GOA officials said the agency reports on the programs DOD uses to buy its 86 major weapon systems,... Read More »

Traffic stop results in alien rescues

A recent inquiry by border patrol agents resulted in 59 illegal aliens being rescued from a tractor-trailer. Border Patrol officials said on April 20, 2018, agents at the checkpoint on Interstate Highway 35, north of Laredo, Texas, observed a tractor-trailer at the primary inspection lane,... Read More »