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Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Rubio, Menendez introduce companion bill to Katko’s Cuban airport security legislation

U.S. Rep. John Katko (R-NY) applauded U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) on Wednesday for introducing the Cuban Airport Security Act in the Senate.

“I welcome the support of Senators Rubio and Menendez on the issue of the safety and security of Americans traveling to Cuba,” Katko said. “The Obama administration’s rush to open regularly scheduled commercial air service between the United States and Cuba without taking proper precautions is negligent and I am optimistic that the House and Senate will move quickly on legislation to help address safety and security deficiencies. Senator Rubio has been a leader on issues surrounding the U.S. relationship with Cuba, and I could not ask for a better partner in the Senate to work with on this bill.”

Katko introduced a companion bill in the House in July before Congress left for the summer recess. Katko’s bill would pause all commercial air travel between the United States and Cuba until the Transportation Security Administration certifies that Cuban airports have the appropriate security measures needed to ensure the safety of all American travelers.

Earlier this year, Katko and a bipartisan group of congressional members were denied visas for a scheduled visit to examine the security measures at Cuban airports. Katko said that the trip was a necessity after President Barack Obama refused to answer questions from Congress regarding Cuban airport security.