The local commuter designated lane is returning to the Laredo Port of Entry, with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) maintaining the benefits of the restored feature.
CBP officials said restoring the lane aids motorists not requiring benefits at the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge, which is one of the busiest land border ports in the country.
“The Laredo Port of Entry processes volumes in excess of 12,000 vehicles on a daily basis at the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge,” Albert Flores, port director of the Laredo Port of Entry, said. “CBP at the Laredo Port of Entry received countless compliments when we implemented the designated lane during our second phase of the construction project.”
The designated lane is designed for local cross border traffic not requiring tourist permits or other benefits from CBP. The designated lane extends the full length of the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge and fans out to three primary inspection booths and has delineators installed to indicate their location to local commuters while ensuring daily local traffic is being processed promptly.
CBP is urging those who cross the border daily to utilize the assigned lanes, which are located on the three easternmost lanes of the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge. Travelers are also being encouraged to obtain and use radio-frequency identification technology (RFID)-equipped travel documents such as passport cards and the newer versions of the border crossing card and resident alien card to access Ready Lanes.