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Monday, March 10th, 2025

U.S. Sens. Tester, Hoeven introduce anti-drug bill

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U.S Sens. Jon Tester (D-MT) and John Hoeven (R-ND) introduced Thursday a bill to boost critical resources to help law enforcement officials in the war on drugs.

The Assisting Narcotics and Trafficking Officers in Interdicting (ANTI) Drugs Act would increase resources for the High Intensity Drug Task Force (HIDTA), Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), and Operation Stonegarden – all of which support law enforcement’s efforts to combat the drug epidemic and strengthen border security.

“Montana’s brave law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day to keep us secure, which is why it’s critical we make sure they have the resources they need to get their challenging jobs done safely and effectively,” Tester said. “This bipartisan bill will give law enforcement better tools to crack down on the flow of dangerous drugs coming into our state, defend our borders, and help keep Montana families and communities safe.”

The legislation would provide $300 million in HIDTA grants, $400 million in Community Policing grants, and $110 million in Operation Stonegarden grants.

“Our bipartisan legislation provides important tools and resources to assist law enforcement in their efforts to keep dangerous drugs out of our communities,” said Hoeven. “The ANTI Drugs Act reauthorizes three critical grant programs, including Operation Stone Garden, which is used by border state law enforcement agencies to help stop illegal drugs coming across the border.”

The bill is supported by the Western States Sheriffs’ Association and the Fraternal Order of Police.

“The HIDTA taskforces, Operation Stonegarden, and COPS play a critical role in supporting law enforcement officers in their fight against drug trafficking and efforts to keep our communities safe,” said Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police. “We must support our brave Federal, State, local, and tribal law enforcement officers across the country and give them the tools and resources they need to do their job. We look forward to continuing to work with Senators Tester and Hoeven to increase funding for these important law enforcement programs.”